The President works closely with the AIAS Officer Board, collateral organizations, and the faculty and staff of the college to coordinate the efforts of the AIAS for its continued excellence recognition as the student voice in the college. He/She is required to observe and honor the goals and mission of the AIAS and is in charge of setting the agenda and running each general and executive board meeting. The President is responsible for attending Grassroots, FORUM and all other conventions areas in which the AIAS is involved. The President should be someone who you would like to see representing the student body of the College of Architecture, the university, and Texas A&M on a national level. The President also serves as voting member of the university’s Design Review Sub-council, representing the entire student body, meeting bi-weekly. Along with the more external responsibilities, the President oversees the Social Events Team, Axiom Team, and Marketing Team directly. He/She also receives reports from each of the other chairs at the officer board meetings and shall be involved in and monetary decisions for all groups. This person must be highly accessible and maintain high levels of communication with all the officers.
The Vice President works closely with the President and the Officer Board and is responsible for membership attendance, and updating and maintaining the membership database. He/She oversees the Freedom By Design and Career Fair teams and ultimately is responsible for the execution of the projects/events. This position also requires a high level of communication and connection with the president. All financial decisions will be put before the Vice President as well as the President to ensure a discussion takes place before any decision is made monetarily. The Vice President is also encouraged to attend the national and regional conferences and will serve in place of the President for any of the president’s above duties if not able to do so.
The secretary is responsible for attending all general and board meetings in order to record the information and topics discussed among board members and AIAS members (also known as the “minutes”). He/She is responsible for the distribution of the minutes among board members. The secretary also serves as a historian, turning photos or videos over to the Marketing Chair for promotions.
The treasurer works closely with the Officer Board, and the department of Architecture office/staff in order to handle the AIAS finances. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping track of and maintaining the AIAS account through the Student Organization Financial Center (SOFC). He/She will be involved in all decisions with financial ties and will be in charge of establishing an annual budget with the Executive Board and will need to provide monthly reports on the standing of the organization at officer meetings.
The Freedom By Design Chair will organize and coordinate a FBD project and documentation of the project. The Chair will head a team of up to 3 volunteers to fund and coordinate all community outreach done by AIAS. The funding of the projects will be the responsibility of the Chair. Other community service events such as Shack-a-Thon, Big Event, Brazos Canned Food Drive, Relay for Life, Christmas Caroling at Nursing Homes, etc., fall under the responsibility of the FBD Chair. This position will report to the Vice President on progress throughout the year.
The Social Events Chair will organize chapter social events such as Architorture in the Fall and Beaux Arts Ball in the Spring. The Chair will head a team of up to 3 volunteers for each of the events. The team will also coordinate sending students to conferences and will be overseen by the President.
The Career Fair Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and coordinating the annual Architecture Career Fair in the spring semester. The Coordinator will head a group of 3 volunteers for the execution of a strong Career Fair. This group will be overseen by the Vice President.
The Axiom Editor will coordinate the semester publication of the student publication of the College of Architecture. The Editor will head a group of up to 3 volunteers to complete the publication’s execution. The execution of the publication includes the gathering and editing of content from officers, general members, and/or students, printing and distributing about the college. Funding for the publication will need to be found through the sales of advertisements which fall under the Editor’s responsibility. This group will be overseen by the President.
The Marketing Chair works closely with the Officer Board and is responsible for promoting AIAS through social media, the website and other methods of marketing outreach. The Chair will head a group of up to 3 volunteers to keep the website up-to-date as well as our members and potential members well informed on what the AIAS is doing. The responsibilities of the Chair relate to all activity of the chapter. This requires a presence in social media (i.e. Facebook), the website, and graphically around the College of Architecture in order to publicize what is happening within the chapter. The graphic presence in the college should include but is not limited to creating posters, flyers, maintaining the bulletin board, etc. This group will be overseen by the President.