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Symplicity tutorials
Employers, watch this video to see how to insert your video link for interviews and/or group chat. If you are changing information, head to the registration tab on our career fair page, scroll to the bottom and select modify.
A short video for students and employers explaining how the Symplicity Career Fairs works, including changing your online/ offline status, inviting students to chat, how to use the queue, switching between students and more.
Students! An in depth tutorial on how a Symplicity Career Fair works.This is a different school so the color scheme, dates and titles may be different but it is the same overall.
Employers, this short video will show you the basics of what you need to do the morning of the event.
Employers, want to reach out to students before hand, during or after the event? Watch this short video to learn more.
Employers, want to set up a general questions room for students to pop in and out of? Watch this video to learn how to set that up.